Faye 3D Model - Summer 2022
Texturing: Configured UV orientation for texturing straight patterns and hair; implemented alpha map for parts of hair and jewelry
Stylization: Integrated realistic anatomy into stylized character design
Deformation: Identified key factors in maintaining volume and preventing mesh intersection with deformations when weight painting. Developed intermediate keys for blendshapes that conflicted with other meshes, such as the eyelid and the eyeball.

Things I would change:
UV layout: designing UVs with more regard to seam placement; I didn't realize how much the seams showed on the model's skin until applying the already baked and painted textures in Maya with lighting.
Better mesh segmentation: Some parts of the model's mesh, such as the accessories in the hair, were combined for an "easier" time sculpting; however, this proved to be an issue when texturing.
Improved weighting: I used Maya's base weight painting tool, which made the process much harder. At the time of working on this project, I was wary of plugins like ngSkinTools as I didn't know the extent to the learning curve, but in projects after, I installed it and realized how much more efficient the process was.

Life on Mars?

UV Map

Surfin' Bunny 3D Model
Adaptation: Created model based off external concept. Extrapolated 3D character from limited reference (only one perspective in image).
Optimization: Maintained rounded look while using minimal polys; created deformable face with mouth controls that still appears "2D"
Prop rigging: rigged bunny to maintain offsets relative to surfboard.
Joint orientation: issues with skinning the model at the wrong joint orientation; caused deformation issues in legs

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